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Payment options
Payments may be made using the following methods:
- Mastercard
- Visa
- American Express
- Diners International Club
- Discover
- PayPal
- Apple Pay
- Google Pay
Your security is important for us.
Dr. Schar USA, Inc. does not know or store any credit card or PayPal account data.
- Payments with your PayPal account are directly handled by PayPal.
- All credit card payments as well as payments with
Apple Pay and Google Pay will be
processed encrypted in a highly secure host environment via our payment service
provider Adyen.
Credit card payments with highest security stansards, because that is out top priority! Your credit card data can only be seen by our payment provider service provider Adyen, your sensitive card details never leave their environment and won't be saved anywhere.
Your payments are debited when you place your order by clicking the "Confirm
& buy" button.
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Total amount: $0.00